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Showing posts from February, 2008

Las Vegas as Inspriration

Las Vegas is truly 24/7 stimulation capital! Whether day or night, there is light, sound, food and activities galore happening. A recent weekend visit was truly an enjoyable departure from normal life -- as nothing seems normal there! The 'strip' is an incredible place for adventuring with your creative eye. Whether you like architecture, color, displays, shapes, textures or other subjects for inspiration, you can find it there. (Nature is a very different subject...not alot of natural areas there that haven't been made-made or -designed unless you get some distance away from the strip.) Reflections on windows are especially intriguing as are hotel displays and neon signage in other ways. It is all part of a feast for the creative senses! These are a few of the photos I took while there. I'm thinking about using some of them to base new work on.

Project Runway for Artists?

Sarah Jessia Parker is working on finding a network to carry her version of a Project Runway-like show for artists where there would be challenges, etc. Here is a link (for reading the article): Sounds like this could be an interesting show especially if you were to watch it imagining the challenges are for art quilters!