See a SmileBox slideshow of what to expect at the 35th Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show in Sisters, OR by clicking this post's title (which has an active link)! Photo credit: Event poster For show info, go to
I just learned Lucille Clifton, wonderful poet and children's book writer, passed away Saturday. She was author of the Everett Anderson cihildren's books, and her children's book titled 'My Friend Jacob' is a special favorite of mine. Her poetry was deep and sometimes wonderfully amusing (e.g. Homage To My Hips). Lucille was one of my professors at UCSC and a lovely woman, and I'll remember her fondly. Blessings on your journey, wise woman!
OVO is another creative and delightful Cirque du Soleil show -- this time about the bug kingdom! These photos give you a wee flavor of the show. The wall in the first was huge that the green bug characters would climb and then fall off of backwards on to a trampoline that you couldn't see (at stage level) and then bounce back up to their position on the climbing wall. It was really cool! The costuming of these green bugs was especially amazing! In fact, they doubled as grasshoppers throughout most of the shows by having legs attached (as in the second photo) and sliding along the floor. The garments were stunning especially these bug's headpieces which had parts that appeared irridescent! Cirque du Soleil traveling big-top shows are always a mystery, and that's part of the fun!
This is such an excellent and imaginative Mad Hatter! In fact, I would not know it is Johnny Depp without seeing his by-line in the trailer credits and reading the preview information. The image is great and a major part of that is thanks to the green patterned background! If it were to be removed, the image wouldn't be half as good.
My 'Hundertwasser Wannabe' project, that I don't seem to be able to go any further with, has been selected as one of 10 unfinished projects that will be on a segment of Quilting Arts TV. The intention is to give those of us with pieces that we feel stuck on some professional design and/or construction suggestions so that we can finish them up. In addition, it will also give viewers some perspective with which to look at their own work. I don't know how they're going to do it, but the segment is supposed to air some time in June.
Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims have produced a Smilebox video of quilts from the Tokyo Quilt Festival 2010. Japanese quilts are quite stunning and take traditional style to the edge. Click on the title of this post to be taken to the web page where you can view the video of some of the show's works.