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Arty Zine - Hints of Florals

Working in fits and starts over the last week, this zine is an assemblage of floral imagery in a combination of abstract and semi-realistic versions.   That said, I've added a few words to this zine.  'Flower Power' in unusual lettering was created on one page.  The rest of the text appears on another page.  The latter includes a phrase I just discovered today while doing a search of flowers and philosophy.  "Mono no Aware" is Japanese in origin.  From an excerpt of Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs write-up about the meaning of the phrase, this is how it is described: It boils down to this: appreciate the moment, because the beauty experienced in it will never be the same.  It will pass.  It will end.  And that is okay because as life changes, new beauty, perhaps of a different kind, will arrive.  Every season the cherry blossoms die.  But every year, they come back to, once again, coat th...
Recent posts

Arty Zine - Mosaic Tile Zine

This zine is a sheet of copy paper covered with glued remnant squares of different sizes and patterns, emulating a patchwork quilt.  It wears of translucent cover of vellum with cut-out letters (outlined in gold) spelling the title.  I tried using tracing paper for the overlay, but it was too thin.  I also experimented applying matte medium and gloss medium over a test vellum sheet to see if that could add a bit of strength.  But the vellum wrinkled a bit.  For now, I'm sticking with the unaltered vellum.  I like how the translucency of it mutes the covered color.     That said, a project like this might have been better on black paper instead of white.  It would have helped the letters 'pop'.  But I'm still pleased with this piece.  I'll also keep my eye out for a stiffer translucent paper that can be cut with an X-Acto and a colored vellum. If you have any suggestion as an alternative for the vellum, please consider leaving a comm...

Zine - 'The Diplomat' Netflix Series Notes

Do you remember book reports we did in school?  This zine is a 'riff' on a book report.  Using the zine format, it contains my most important notes from the first two seasons of 'The Diplomat', a Netflix production that I have really enjoyed watching.   The show is about a woman appointed as an Ambassador to the U.K. (rather than Ambassador to Afghanistan which is what she wanted).  Plus it is about politics and political intrigue in two governments that intersect when there is an Embassy of one in the other's country.  The show begins with the explosion on a U.K. Aircraft Carrier that results in many fatalities and the Prime Minister of the U.K. is intent on finding the responsible party, as he should be.  Of course, there are many other plot twists and turns beyond this single incident.   Because I don't want to give away the show, I'm only providing a photo of the zine's cover .  It is a quick sketch of the White House, because it is the U.S. P...

Arty Zine - I Am Enough

In one of my March 2nd (2025) posts, I mentioned in the next zine with a word background, I should try folding the 8.5"x11" paper horizontally and writing from the fold to the paper edge on both sides.  That is how this zine background was created.   Both the front and back covers (the two pages on the bottom left) have abstract designs.  The remaining pages have words/letters in different forms: hand-writing, cut out with black paper framing, and printed with glitter glue framing. In making this zine, I wasn't thinking or planning how I wanted it to look when finished.  In fact, I simply put watercolor remnants together that I liked.  The 'I am' came to mind because I cut out the 'I' and liked it.  Then, I cut out two squares of paper I liked and created the A+M.  Later, I printed 'enough' which seemed like the perfect pairing with I am.  It is certainly a vivid reminder of what is important to remember as an artist...and even more so, as a perso...

Class Module led by Naomi Vona

Naomi Vona was one of the featured artist instructors for a module in Kara Bullock's 2024 Let's Face It online course.  I wanted to try it, becuase she's done some really interesting work transforming magazine images.   This is my first effort using the basics of her technique.  The image I used is a magazine photo of Millie Bobbie Brown from the March 2025 issue of Vanity Fair.  The only things not changed are Millie's shoes, feet, arms and face.  All the rest of the photo has been painted over with paint markers, and embelished by washi tape, a gold Pen-Touch, Micron pen, and a touch of glitter glue.   I love Naomi's art-making idea, but I'm not enamored in using magazine paper for an art substrate.  (It doesn't work well for collage either.)  That's because I tried some other paint pens in my supply that didn't go on opaque and others that made the surface too wet such that the paper wrinkled.  It was fun to try, but is not my cup of tea. ...

Arty Zine - PoliZine #1

How much art has been made to express political points of view, to  illustrate the results of political impacts of decisions, and/or to make fun of or satirize politicians, etc.? It has been 40 days since Donald J. Trump was inaugerated President of the United States and began his second term in office.  From that day through the end of February, I've made so many Facebook posts about issues including his Cabinet nominees, his selection of Elon Musk as an advisor, the (seemingly illegal) efforts of DOGE, the indiscriminate firing of federal workers without due process, and the compromise of national security through some of his decisions/directions/policies to name a few.   So today's 'art' is a Photoshop assembly of screenshots of those posts with words/phrases that capture much of what has been part of the news environment.  I'm calling it ' Poli zine #1' (Poli for political).  It's hard to believe that it only represents what has happened from 1/20 th...

Arty Zine - Words used for Background and Center

There are a couple of paragraphs somewhere in the book titled 'All the Beauty in the World' that the background writing in this zine is a handwritten copy of.  You wouldn't know that to look at it, and that is intentional.  The idea was to have a fully handwritten page of text that has no spacing (other than between lines), no punctuation, and is continuous (line by line). Once done, using what I thought might be a contrasting watercolor paper pattern -- rectangles of it were added to the center of each zine page.  There wasn't enough contrast though.  So, smaller black rectangles were also added.   For what was to go in those black rectangles, I had no idea.  After thinking about it, I decided against quotes and stopped thinking further on it.  Sometime later, the word 'repeat' came to mind, and I thought that would be perfect because each page looks SO similar.  The words you see (aside from 'repeat), are synonyms except for 're-turn'.  The...

Arty Zine - Basketweave on Black

After making a couple of zines recently that involved experiments with paper strip weaving, I just completed this one.  It has the weaving over the entire substrate (black paper) followed by decorating it with conplementary-colored painted paper circles and glitter glue.   This was my first arty zine (without words) using the black paper as a substrate, and I love how the colors "pop" because of the contrast.  It wouldn't look nearly as good on a white background. That said, thumbing through the folded zine, the page spreads are pretty.  But I actually prefer looking at the flat version because you can see the weave in full.  Isn't it fun?

More Arty Zinemaking

This zine incorporates painted paper strips (curvy and random) assembled in a basketweave design.  It's cool to look through the folded version.  But to see the actual basketweave design, the piece needs to be unfolded.  The cover (second page from bottom left) has been modified slightly by adding the green and blue circles to unify the piece. I would say this zine conveys a sense of tranquility.  While there is some movement, that movement is at a slow pace.

More Arty/Abstract Zine-making

The paper for my last five zines and this one were pre-folded and had a cover with recycled art from unsuccessful work that had been cut-up.   This piece has an orange cover (lower right).  There is yellow and/or orange in each one of the abstract pages though there is more experimentation in the range of color and element use.  In fact, this one has one abstract that is a paper 'weave', another has a collage bit/watercolor combination, and some pages have rings of glitter glue added for zing.   It is really clear after five zines that circles are the shape I prefer using in my work.  

Another Arty Zine - A Progression of Abstract Compositions

The last couple of zines I've made plus this one, contain an unintended series of small abstract pieces - eight to each zine.  In looking at them chronologically, the small pieces symbolize a progression in feeling, complexity, and the combination of materials.  One big achievement for me in particular was sacrificing some work I planned to save -- that the zine abstracts have benefitted from.  I learned that it wasn't as hard to sacrifice work I like as I thought it would be.     Not knowing where this creative zine-making phase is leading, I'm enjoying the mystery.

An Arty Zine - Made from Art-making Surplus

Today's zine was made from cut-up paintings, watercolor-patterned paper experiments, and decorated fiber leaf petals that would otherwise have probably been disposed of -- at some point.   This new zine -- strictly an arty one has all three elements.  I'm including a video zine walk-through (no audio) in addition to a photo of it so you can see it even better.   It has been a good challenge (made to myself) to use the color or pattern of the cover abstract art as a jumping off place to guide selections for completing the blank zine pages.  Beyond that, it's delightful to see the results of how playing with those selections can create something quite unified even though the parts are disparate!

Another New Zine - A Visual Meditation

Of this zine's eight pages, the cover is the image on the lower right.  The rest of the zine pages travel up, to the left, down, and back to the right ending with the page containing the patterned circle framed in black. I didn't include any writing in this one.  The content is primarily watercolor remnants and pen work.  What I like about it -- is thumbing slowly through the pages as they are.  It is like a visual meditation. Similar to the one I completed and posted about yesterday, this zine's cover was created last year some time.  It was part of a much larger unsuccessful piece that was cut up for reuse.  With no idea what could possibly go with this particular cover, I consider this a delightful surprise. If you were to add writing, what would you want to include?  

New Zine - Finding My Way to Bloom Again

Since just before the new year, a dear friend has been struggling with her health after contracting a serious case of bacterial meningitis.  After doctors gained control over the infection and many surgeries later--she is recovering.  That means she is having to relearn everything we take for granted e.g. moving, speaking, reading, and writing.  Can you imagine one day you're ok and one or two days later--you no longer seem to be you?  All you can think of is how much your head hurts.  Maybe your words and/or thoughts are a jumble too. I haven't been able to process my feelings about the situation through visual art until this week. My idea was to do a story about a flower that has become ill and is trying to find it's way back to full bloom.  This zine is the result of that effort.  

The Artful Junk Birds of Lorie Siebert

I first learned of Lorie Siebert through an article in the 'What Women Create' magazine.  So, I looked her up and learned she has a class in making her funky birds hosted by Jeanne Oliver's website.  The course information can be found at this link: Lorie's Artful Junk Birds course hosted by Jeanne Oliver's website These recycled bird creations are so whimsical and fun.  But they take time and diligence to make, especially when you have to wait for clay to air dry or for glue to dry before you can move on to next steps.  That said, I have two almost done.  They need to be glued to some form of stand -- maybe a thick tree branch or atop a rock, because they won't stand up on their own easily.  Lorie uses vintage tins as her perches.  While I love them, I don't have any to use for my bird figurines.  So, while I look for and decide on alternative bases, here are photos of the two awaiting their landing places.   (Paper cup used to support bird ...

Zine - About Me Challenge

Krys Kinsel (@kryscolour on Substack) recently challenged readers to create and post a mini zine about oneself.  It could be made in any form: story, comic, mixed media, etc., but should be general in terms of information shared.  This challenge peaked my interest and arrived in my feed at the perfect time.  So, last night I had some creative fun! From my stash of folded blank zines that have recycled art on the cover, I made this.  It has intimations of the various creative activities I've done over the years...some of which I still do. If you were making a zine to tell others about who you are (keeping it general), what would you include in it, and how would it look?   

Playing with Watercolor

I was playing with watercolor and creating patterns with them recently.  This one started out as a 9-patch of circles with lines connecting each.  It looked quite blahhhhh, although it reminded me of a Tiffany lamp -- the kind with grapes that is somewhat asymmetrical.   First, I considered looking for a Tiffany lamp photo reference, but then decided to draw it by memory for the fun of it.  The lamp and base were drawn with a Sharpie marker and smaller lines made with a Micron pen.  To look at this as a standalone piece, I like it--including the few drips that run toward the base (they were there before the drawing was done).  It is much better as a lamp than as the patterned paper. The photo at the bottom is the kind of Tiffany lamp I had envisioned before doing the drawing in the top photo...a funky abstraction!     
This is a great book!  It didn't take too long for me to feel fully engaged in it, and I loved the short chapters.  The research and timeline (with details) was impeccable while the story, character development, and art heist details were fascinating.  I highly recommend reading this book, especially if you're an artist, art educator, or art connoisseur.  

The Biggest Coffee Table Book...

Having just arrived today, this book of Beatriz Milhazes' works is one of the heaviest books I've ever owned!   Beatriz is a Brazilian artist who does amazing and colorful paintings that are considered modern abstraction with a touch of cultural elements from her life.  Her work actually reminds me of Rex Ray's graphic design/collage pieces.  It's interesting that I was introduced to both artists by Helen Wells, a British artist, whom I follow.   The Milhazes' book is beautiful and contains very nice reprints of selections from her portfolios over the years.  The book is a bit pricey, as Helen puts it, but high quality.  

How Pastels are made by Hand

In a recent email from Wendy MacNaughton, she talked about visiting and shopping at La Maison du Pastel in Paris.  This is a great video about how their pastels are made...from centuries-old, handed-down equipment and processes!

From Helen Wells' Bold + Fold - Online Course

Helen Wells does a very nice job with her online course:  Bold + Fold.  Her instruction focuses on painting botanical impressions and putting them together into a concertina booklet form that she shows how to construct. That said, I'm not a painter of botanicals.  But I gave it a try by doing a fair number of 'floral' impressions in watercolor.  None of them were stand-alone pieces.  But there were bits among a few of them that I liked.  So, rather than creating a concertina, I chose to cut out the bits I liked and created this piece on a blank piece of multi-media paper.   Except for the black of the vase outline and the petal work around the pink circles, the rest were the bits glued on in a floral-like arrangement.  All the elements in the vase were created using different kinds of brushes and brushwork than is my norm.   What the course did for me - was to get me to paint that I haven't done in what seems like a very long time.  Some...

Painted Ceramic Plate

Petroglyphs is a pretty cool place to work on and complete creative projects.  From plates, mugs, piggy banks, tiles to knick-knacks, etc., there are endless ways to express oneself in paint and pick-up one's colorful and functional or fun piece once fired!  The store makes bisque available for customer purchase.  With a purchase, customers get to sit and paint to their heart's delight with Petroglyph's special paints.  All tools, instruction, and the firing are also provided.  Whether for a party, a Dad and daughter or son outing, a date, or even solo work, there is something for everyone.   Over the holidays, I made a plate doing free-hand painting as well as used my own created stencils to draw certain shapes and then paint them in.   To see how this works, below are progress pictures of my recent project.  The top left is a journal sketch of what I was originally thinking, and the top right is the finished piece.  In the second row (l to ...

A 100 Best List for the Year

What are the top 100 things that were good, great, terrific, or awesome in your life in 2024?  It's that time of year to write them down!  I have finished my trek down memory lane for the year and am amazed with all the things I listed.  Here are my top 5 as ideas to get you started. The choice of the word 'joy' as my word to journal about in 2024 like how it infused my perception and experience throughout the year.  The effort was totally worthwhile!     I met up with friends and fellow travelers overseas...a spontaneously-planned trip for me and a great time! I loved the five seasons of 'Fringe' a kind of sci-fi, time travel, mystery TV series that originated on the FOX network some years ago.  What I loved about it was the character development over the seasons as well as the sometimes-nuanced and other times easily detectable differences between the same character from one time to another time.  You have to suspend belief of course, and the so...

A First Visit to NUMU

I was thrilled today to visit a new-to-me museum that had two extraordinary exhibits!   The New Museum Los Gatos is showing 'Made of Memory', a curated exhibition of five female artists exploring memory from generational and cultural perspectives.  The photo is a piece by Priyanka Rana.  She used sustainably-obtained wood (not felled wood for the project) that she charred with a blowtorch.  In the charred areas, she added what she calls 'memory pods' -- the ones in this made from wound remnants of her mother's saris dipped in polyurethane.  Priyanka's pieces are such a lovely and symbolic representation of her accompanying life and cultural story.   The other exhibition was of the works of Holly Lane in 'Not Enough Time to Love the World and In the Artist's Studio'.  It contains an extraordinary body of work and craft!  The pieces on display have been created over the last 10+ years.  Holly is a painter and a woodworker, and her woodworking i...

A Last Scarf from The Scarf Studio

The Scarf Studio in Denver, CO is unfortunately closed to business as of November 17th.  But I was able to get one final order in before the close.  First, a big shout out to Jennifer who took such pains to help me with the digital file of my art so that it could be printed in their last batch.  Thank you, Jennifer! I'm delighted with how the range of colors, outlining and detail work came out, and I'm going to wear this scarf with glee!   The source for the art work were multiple continuous pages from one of my concertina sketchbooks and was done using Sharpies and Posca pens.     

Digitally-moved Facial Elements

The top image is a blind contour drawing done earlier this year.  Yes, the facial elements are totally askew and as a result the -- image is quite distorted. Tonight, I worked in Photoshop Elements to move the facial elements to their proper locations.  Had that been done originally, this is what the drawing could have looked like. For comparison, this is the source photo.   In the original drawing, I think I lost my bearings in terms of where I thought I was.  This can easily happen when the pen is lifted off the paper - even for a moment - and ends up being lowered into a totally different place.  Doing that kind of thing can have a very obvious effect, as you see above.  If you look closely at the first drawing, it is curious how the eye and mind still manage to convey the information/form even if it results in distortion.  That is pretty amazing!  

Digital Playtime using Photograph

From the photo of a small stained glass window to an edited 4-patch of that window to an inverted, extruded, and color- and filter-manipulated image...using Photoshop Elements.  It was playtime today!   The images are in reverse chronological order from the description above. 

Fall is in the Air

A neighbor recently left a curbside pile of Magnolia Tree trimmings in the street -- that will be hauled away as yard waste when the next garbage truck makes its stop. What stood out to me in that pile were the bright red seeds nested artfully in the pods they were beginning to awake and emerge from.  I'm aware of appreciating Magnolia blossoms in full flower, but I haven't noticed this activity in the trees life cycle -- of fruiting and then going to seed.  These red seeds contrasted with the glossy green finish of the Magnolia's leaves seem the perfect herald of seasonal change accompanied by a different kind of beauty.   

Introducing Gretchen Scherer - Visual Artist

From a recent 'Colossal' article, I was just reminded of Gretchen Scherer's art.  She does paintings of older historic buildings being reused as museums, heritage sites, visitor destinations, etc.  In some cases, she reimagines some of what their interiors look like and adds period painting imitations to the walls.  I love this piece especially the ceiling pattern, chandeliers, the wood flooring pattern and how she has dealt with perspective (you can tell the table is long).  It is so well done!    To see more of Gretchen's work, visit her website at: Note:  Colossal is an online art magazine that celebrates contemporary art and visual culture across a wide range of creative disciplines.  I find assorted interesting stories, and it's free.  For more information, visit

A First Word Journal

Today, I'm celebrating three years of work filling this 6"x9" Moleskine journal!  Yes, it is thick.  That is from the assorted zines in it.  (I love doing zines and it was natural for me to include them, but that's not for everyone.) This word journal was started in 2022 when I chose a word for the year as a theme to focus on.  Similarly for 2023 and 2024, I chose a different word for each of them.  As you know 2024 hasn't ended yet, but I've run out of pages in this first word journal.  So, I'll be starting another Moleskine to finish up the year and begin other years down-the road.   Focusing on a word for a full year is an intriguing experience.  It is a journey of thinking about your experiences, thoughts, emotions, etc. from the perspective of the word and in a sense -- drawing more of the energy of the word to you.  In my first year of doing this, I took a class with a very supportive and fun group of people, and through it, I've been a...