Working in fits and starts over the last week, this zine is an assemblage of floral imagery in a combination of abstract and semi-realistic versions. That said, I've added a few words to this zine. 'Flower Power' in unusual lettering was created on one page. The rest of the text appears on another page. The latter includes a phrase I just discovered today while doing a search of flowers and philosophy. "Mono no Aware" is Japanese in origin. From an excerpt of Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs write-up about the meaning of the phrase, this is how it is described: It boils down to this: appreciate the moment, because the beauty experienced in it will never be the same. It will pass. It will end. And that is okay because as life changes, new beauty, perhaps of a different kind, will arrive. Every season the cherry blossoms die. But every year, they come back to, once again, coat th...
This zine is a sheet of copy paper covered with glued remnant squares of different sizes and patterns, emulating a patchwork quilt. It wears of translucent cover of vellum with cut-out letters (outlined in gold) spelling the title. I tried using tracing paper for the overlay, but it was too thin. I also experimented applying matte medium and gloss medium over a test vellum sheet to see if that could add a bit of strength. But the vellum wrinkled a bit. For now, I'm sticking with the unaltered vellum. I like how the translucency of it mutes the covered color. That said, a project like this might have been better on black paper instead of white. It would have helped the letters 'pop'. But I'm still pleased with this piece. I'll also keep my eye out for a stiffer translucent paper that can be cut with an X-Acto and a colored vellum. If you have any suggestion as an alternative for the vellum, please consider leaving a comm...