This piece has been in process for a couple of months and was finished today.
The sweeping/swooping colored shapes are intended to come across as translucent film over the areas they cover including the face, clothes, etc. and sometimes even other swirly shapes either above or below.
It takes time to do this kind of piece, especially since I wanted the subjects to have a recognizable form and some continuity of pose. It requires making color choices that involve gradations and that maintain some semblance of translucency. To do so is tiring because of the thinking through potential color choices and how they're likely to affect the piece. So, for me, work sessions were between two and three hours at a stretch. More than that dulled my ability to do the kind of envisioning needed.
As I look at this effort, it amazes me that no matter where I start looking, my eye constantly moves around the piece because there is little area for the eye to rest. The entire piece is loud, busy and demands more than a glance. That said, what do you notice about your observation process when you look at this piece? How does your eye move around it? What are you considering as you look?
This kind of project -- for me -- has been a lesson in patience and enjoying the fruits of the journey. I'm grateful.
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